Goodbye 2008

We're ready for more adventure!
Posted by ~Michaela at 18:13 3 comments
Posted by ~Michaela at 11:26 5 comments
Posted by ~Michaela at 11:34 1 comments
Posted by ~Michaela at 10:43 0 comments
Okay Stacie, here's the recepie I promised you.
I got this recepie two weeks ago from an elderly lady at work. I tried it and it turned out really yummy and it was SUPER easy to make. I thought I'd share with the rest of you who want to try something new.
1 dl = just shy of 1/2 cup
225 C=437 F
Preheat oven
Pie Crust:
3 dl flour
125 grams butter or margerine (one stick)
2-3 tsp cold water
(I put a tad bit of salt in there as well)
*use your hands to mix (room temperature) butter and flour together, add water.
-1 grilled chicken (small)
(I'm cheap and used 3 frozen chicken breasts and fried them and then cut them into small worked great)
-leek or green onions
-4 dl creme friache (you can use sour cream instead if you can't get creme friache)
-curry (use as much as you probably won't need much)
-1-2 tbs chicken stock (if you don't have the liquid stuff, just use normal bullion)
-grated cheese.
*Pre bake the crust for 10-15 minutes (don't forget to poke the dough with a fork before you bake it)
*Cut chicken into cubes and lay in the pre baked pie
*Chop onion into small pieces and fry
*Add creme friache (to the onion in the frying pan)
*Flavour with curry, chicken bullion, and salt, let is cook for a minute or so
*Pour over the chicken and cover with as much cheese as desired
*Bake in oven at 225'C Untill the paj has a nice color (about 30 minutes)
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Posted by ~Michaela at 09:25 0 comments
This tagging thing is starting to spiral out of control. Alas, I can't turn you down Chelsey...I just love ya to darn much ;) K, I'm gonna try and get through this one fast.
TAG! YOU"RE IT! If I say your name, you have to do it too!
Who was the last male you talked to? Thaddeus, on the phone!
Who is someone that can always make you laugh? Johan Glans, Morgan Pålsson, David Batra..these are all Swedish comedians. I'm not sure if I have an "instant make me laugh person" on hand.
What were you doing at 10am this morning? Ironing clothes
What were you doing an hour ago? Dishes...random nothings
Do you plan on moving within the next year? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Are you wearing anything on your feet? Nope
What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months? Taking maternal leave and chillin' with my girls.
Do you remember your dreams? Most of the time.
Where did your last hug take place? This morning. Kajsa was not feeling well, and I held her....Mmmm cozy.
Have you been to a baby shower? Yes
What cell phone company do you use? cash card-comviq kontant.
What color is your hair brush? Black and grey, it's a big one!
Do you watch the Super Bowl? When is that anyway?
What about World Cup? Nope.
Do you sleep with a teddy bear? No
What is the last movie you watched? Full movie, like all the way through? I can't remember, sorry.
What movie do you think everyone should watch? Borat, it was just hilarious.
What is your middle name? Rebecka Viola
Do you have your future children's names picked out? Kind of.....If it's a girl I like Majken (but Thad doesn't like that, so then I like Cecilia. If it's a boy, I don't know....boy names are much harder to pick.
What color is your mailbox? We dont' have one. We have a slot in the door, it's metal (silver color)
Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? Well, that depends on how far away you're coming from. But there is no bridge really close to where we live, no.
How many cars can fit in your driveway? That's kind of a trick question for us. But I guess you'd say 2...maybe three..
Who was your Kindergarden teacher? I didn't go to kindergarden.
Are you taller than your mom? YES
Do you have any bruises right now? I'm not sure...I'm not going to check.
Are you cold right now? No
Do any of your close friends have kids? Yes, lots of them.
Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now? Yes, a few (Kirsten...Avery, and then some)
How many years older and younger than you are you willing to date? I'm already taken ;) But I don't think age is THAT important.
What brand are your favorite jeans you own? Gina Tricot
What is the closest red object to you? There's a red heart on a bag with dirty laundry on the floor next to the laundry bag, hope that counts...cause I can't see a singel red object anywhere close to me.
What is your favorite video game? I'm not into video games....I guess mario know the ones they played in the early 90's...... :)
Do you play games on your cell phone? No
Do you look more like your mom or dad? I dunno. This one has puzzled me before. I'm not sure that I belong to my parents, j/k. I guess I'm a good mix. Thad says I look more like my mom though.
(I have to agree with Sara when it comes to you Chels, you look a ton like your mamma:)
Have you ever broken an pinata? Don't think so
Do you have an iPod or Mp3 player? Neither :(
Who was the last person in your bedroom? I type.
What are your plans for this weekend? I'll be working. Blahhhh. But I did take Sunday evening off, so we can have some fun. I'm hoping we'll make it down town and go ice skating.
Have you ever crawled through a window? Yeah, too many times.
Do you lose your keys often? No, but if I happen to put them out in the open somewhere the girls will kife them!
How many keys are on your keychain? 5
When was your last encounter with the police? Haha, they rang on our door and asked if we'd seen the neighbour pizza place transporting sheep. Funny huh? It's a long story and pretty funny.
Do you sing in the shower? Most definitely
Do you always wear your seatbelt in the car? Always.. Always, always, always, why would you not? It takes a second to put them on. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
When do you start Christmas shopping? Usually last minute. This year though, all of the girls presents are bought and wrapped.
Are you finished shopping? Not quite.
How many people are you buying for? Eh, stupid question.
What are you leaving out for Santa? Either Chocolate chip cookies n' milk, or risgrynsgröt. But I'm not sure if we're leaving anything. It depends on if the girls want to or not.
Name 3 things you want for Christmas: My paperwork to get done fast. My paperwork to get done faster. I wanted to not have to work the holidays....but that's not going to happen.
Are you traveling this year? Sadly, no
If so, Where to? We'll be home. Just the four of us.
What kind of stockings are hung at your house? We haven't hung them yet. Honestly I'm not into the whole stocking thing.....we never had them growing up, and I just hasn't grown on me yet. But we do have two for E and K. Thad's grandma made them. And I have bough a bunch of junk to put in them ;)
Do you have a fireplace/chimney? No
Favorite things to get in your stocking? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
Any family traditions? Christmas dinner, Swedish style. In Sweden Santa comes on Christmas eve and delivers the presents, gives them out....... and you get to hug him. The past 5 years we've done a good share of mixing traditions....I'm not sure if we've really found our own way of celebrating yet.
What foods does your family have every year at Christmas? Ham, köttbullar (meat balls)
Who is the most fun to buy for? The girls
Who is the easiest to buy for? The girls
Who is the hardest to buy for? Thaddeus, he never asks for anything.
Who gives the best gifts? Thad?
Any movies/specials you have to watch every year? Swedish TV always broad casts a bunch of small disney clips. Same one every year. It's a MUST see for all kids here. Usually the grown ups gotta watch it too.
Who passes out the presents? Santa
Main stores you have shopped at this year: Albrekts guld (shhhh, don't tell. Elsa is getting sparkly stuff)
What kind of tree do you have? Haven't gotten it yet. Oh my, we had planned on getting one today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing, I filled this out. I almost fogot.
What are your 3 favorite ornaments on your tree? I dunno.
What adorns the top of your tree? A star
Do you collect anything Christmasy? Nja, kind of
Whose kids are you buying for this year? My own and Ida's.
Can you name all 9 reindeer? Haha, k...Rudolf, donner and blixen, dancer, prancer, fancy pantser...I don't know anymore.
Ever watch Ernest Saves Christmas? No.
What's your favorite Christmas drink? JULMUST.
Do you like Eggnog? Not really. But Thad made this one egg nog for Thanksgiving and it's the first time that I didn't think it tasted nasty. Maybe he'll make it again....
What flavor candy canes do you like? I don't really like them.
When do you take your tree down? Usually right after new years.
Is Christmas still magical for you? Well, it's great for the kids. And I LOVE getting the girls presents and helping them buy presents for eachother. But Magic, no.
What is your favorite thing about Christmas? The tree, and getting together with everyone. Christmas songs. Buying presents that make people happy.
Do you donate at Christmas time? Sometimes, but not anything big
Do you make sure to remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas? True meaning? As in?
How many nativity scenes do you have in your house? NONE!
Have you been naughty or nice?
Hmmm, I have my nice streaks but mostly naughty
And I TAG: Stacie, Kirsten and Anja.
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Posted by ~Michaela at 14:35 4 comments
By Michaela
Yes, it’s the same game as below. This time, however, I (Thaddeus) will be sharing completely unnecessary information about myself. So I’ll just get it over with.
1.) I don’t like to talk (write) about myself. I figure that if someone wants to know things about me, then they would ask. Even then, the subject of me is quite an uncomfortable topic. It just feels to egotistical, which, I guess I am not.
2.) Music is my passion. I love it. Couldn’t live without it. It’s hard to really nail it down and say what my favorite type of music is. I just like good music. From drum corps, to the symphony, to simple guitar, to groovy. It makes me happy.
3.) I love to drum. I’m pretty good at it too, or so they say.
4.) I have an awesome family. I know that sounds like a cop-out answer, but it’s true (also cliché). I have extremely adorable and talented kids, and a super-sweet beautiful sexy Swedish babe of a wife, who also happens to be a very kind and caring person. I love you Michaela!
5.) My Swedish is now nearly as good as my English. Which isn’t as amazing as it sounds because I swear my English is getting worse by the day. It’s one thing to sit and write or talk with Michaela, but as soon as I start speaking English with someone else I start to stumble all over my own words. It’s embarrassing…
6.) I am a pacifist. I can’t even imagine becoming violent with someone. I really struggle to understand what would drive anyone to violent actions.
7.) Reading used to be one of my favorite pastimes. Nowadays though, books are few and far between. I used to read all the time but at some point I stopped because I think it started to interfere with my life. I remember several occasions in college where someone would hand me a book and suggest I read it, and I would end up reading all night long and finish the book the next morning. Obviously this wasn’t good for my attendance record, because I would end up sleeping the rest of the day away. It’s an addicting habit.
8.) I hate hassle. If given a choice between several alternatives I will most likely choose the most convenient one. But not necessarily the most convenient for me. Because…
9.) I also hate to be a hassle. I don’t like to impose upon or complicate things for others. Sometimes I can go so far out of my way in order to not be a hassle for someone, that it’s ridiculous.
10.) Stressing out is not something I do. At least not often. I’m usually as cool as a cucumber.
11.) I consider myself a rather optimistic person.
12.) The world fascinates me. In fact the entire Universe fascinates me. It’s just so vast and puzzling. I wish I knew everything. The whole universe is so interesting , I wish there was some way that I could just take it all in and understand…
13.) But I wont. I do like to learn things though. I love to read through scientific articles and see how much we (humans) are learning everyday. I think science is really cool, and although don’t have a very scientific mind, it is one of my interests.
14.) I’m not the real social type. It’s not that I’m anti-social in anyway. I do like people, and I think it’s fun to hang out. But I don’t have a need for being around people all the time.
15.) I am an atheist. A little clarification for those who are curious, because I know you wont ask. I don’t believe in magic, fairy tales, superstitions, the paranormal, UFOs, psychics, reincarnation, gods, pseudo-science or an afterlife. And I hate to say it… But Santa Clause isn’t real. Sorry. I guess you could say I’m somewhat of a skeptic.
16.) It may seem bizarre to some, but I’m a socialist. A social democrat really. Don’t worry, I’m not a communist. Here in Sweden I’m considered more of a moderate.
Well, there you go. 16 unnecessary facts about me. I now have no one left to tag so jag bjuder på den här :)
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Posted by ~Michaela at 20:38 4 comments
Posted by ~Michaela at 21:12 1 comments
Posted by ~Michaela at 11:56 3 comments
Who was your last text from?
Is your phone close to you?
Yup, on the desk
Bet you're missing someone now?
Tons of people....I don't even know where to start.
Last place you ate?
At the kitchen table.
Have you ever been cheated on?
I don't think so, not that I am aware of anyway :)
Is anyone interested in you right now?
Well, there's this one guy Thaddeus.....he's sooooo hot! I think he likes me ;)
Do you get along with girls?
Yes, girlfriends are great.
Have you ever been given an engagement ring?
Where does most of your family live?
Depends, most of my close-related family lives in Idaho, but I have more faimly here in Sweden
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
It has probably crossed my mind...but I don't think it's for me.
Rent a movie or go to movies?
Go to movies
Are you happy with life?
Most of the time, Yes difinitely!
Could you cry right now?
No, what a weird question
Are you a jealous person?
Yes! It's terrible and even embarassing, but it's true.
What were you doing this morning at 7am?
Just punching in at work
What are you listening to?
Nothing, I can hear the kids breathing from the other room (they're asleep)
Is there anything that you are craving right now?
Not really
What do you need to be doing right now?
Getting ready for bed
Where have you lived throughout your life?
Hjo,Sweden; Rexburg, Idaho; West Yellowstone, Montanna; Borås, Sweden
What were you doing at 1 AM this morning?
Whose house were you at last?
House? Apartment? Hmmmm, it's been a while since I've been anywhere. I was at work today, does that count?
Where were you friday night?
Home celebrating Thanksgiving (Mia was at our place :)
Do you wear a seat belt in the car?
Always always
Next vacation you're going on?
Hmmm, well...I'm not sure. We'll probably be really tight on money for the next five years or so. I really really hope that Thad and I will get to celebrate our wedding anniversary for reals this time though. Maybe we'll just drive down to Vegas, or even just to Lava hot springs since we stoped by there when we got married. I'm hopoing that babysitting will be much easier to come by once we're in the states again ;) Hint hint, any volunteers?
Do you like to text or call more?
Call, I don't really like to text very much.
Would you forgive your best friend for hooking up with your love interest?
Mmmm, I think not. I guess if depends on the situation. But in my relationship I couln't emagine that happening ever so, No
Who did you last talk to on the phone?
Thaddeus ;)
Where will you be in an hour?
Still home, hopefully in bed.
When was the last time you slow danced with a boy or a girl?
hahahaha, this is really funny. I actually danced with an old man at work today for like 10 seconds. (He must be well in his 80's) He had this really cute music on an so I went along and danced with him. (slow dancing....I'm asuming that means real partner dance, cause I didn't do the bear hug thing with the old dude) I love old people!
How late did you stay up last night and why?
I went to bed around 9.00. I know that's way early, I usually don't make it to bed that early. But then Elsa woke me up cause she had to go to the bathroom (I don't understand why I have to know) .....then I fell asleep again. Then my mom called and woke me up again. Tonight I just won't go to bed as early.
What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
He's my lover, a.k.a. husband
Who last sent you a myspace message?
Leah, my new sister-in-law. I don't use my myspace a whole lot anymore though
What are you doing tomorrow?
Working down town as a massage therapist, then I've got a rehearsal with the home guard band.
What does your hair look like today?
I straightened it today. (Yesterday I had curls ;)
Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Lazy people (which sometimes includes myself! ) Not having enough time to work out as much as I want to.
Have you spoken to your mother today?
When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
I talked to Matt on the phone on friday. We usually chatt quite often though. I'm pretty sure I talked to Shirley yesterday, but it was a quicky.
What does your last sent text say?
Hahaha, do I have to do this one. I think I'm going to skip it!
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
Maybe...depends on the circumstance. Years ago, I'd say no for sure......but I think my look on life has changed a bit when it comes to those kinds of difficult questions.
Do you get drunk every weekend?
Have you ever slept in contacts?
Have you seen the movie Thirteen?
Are you in a good mood?
When is the last time you held hands with someone?
This morning (Elsa and Kajsa on the way to Day care)
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Well, it depends on the occation. Thaddeus wouldn't drink in an unappropriate time or place so, No.
How many [Alvedon/Asprin?] do you take at a time?
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms?
Mmmmm, yes!
What's on your mind right now?
Gotta type fast, gotta type fast
Does anyone have feelings for you?
Feelings for me? I hope that supposed to mean "lovey duvy" feelings?
Does the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?
They sure do, they're my little treasures!
Anything you're giving up on?
superstition. I'm still concidering not ever doing music again....but somewhere way down there I still just want to play music for a living :(
Do you care what people think about you?
Sometimes, yes. But most of the time, honestly: NOT AT ALL. I am pretty much an open book. I have nothing to hide, and I love straight forward, honesty.
Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment?
K, I just went on the honesty a few people at work..........most of the people I work with are really great though.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
That would be Thaddeus
Do you have a best friend to lean on?
Yes! And I concider myself lucky for it.
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?
Yeah, duh!
Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
Yes. K, on Sunday I went to the store and had rollers in my hair and a bandana tied up around my head and NO make up on. This is nothing I like to sport around in....but I really needed to go to the store and couln't take the rollers out yet. (I hadthe concert that eveing) You're still the same you under all of your clothes and make up. I do have to add that I ran into someone I know....go figure!
Where is your phone?
Land phone is in the hallway, cell phone right next to me
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Brushed my teeth, flossed, rinsed with my super strong cavity killing mouth wash. washed my face.
Do you call anybody by their last name?
Hmmm. I'm not sure
Have you ever been called a bad influence?
Yes I have, when I was pretty young too, and it hurt my feelings pretty bad. I was a "bad influence" on lots of people all through high school. I realize now though, that I wasn't a "bad" influence, rather an influence.....and since I've always believed in beeing me, which many times entales going against the grain, being the so called "bad influence" is just a small price to pay to being happy in my own skin and honest.
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Hmmmm, When prop 8 was passed. I just thought it was so discrimminating. I didn't have any specific person that I wanted to punch in the face though.....and I didn't really want ot punch someone in the face, but it was the last time I really got upset, really.
What did you last cry over?
I can't remember.
Where did you go last night?
I was home
Has someone put their arm around you in the past 5 days?
Yes sir
How many windows are open on your computer?
Where will you be 2 hours from now?
Hopefully in a deep sleep
If the last person you kissed said they loved you, what would you say?
Right back at you hottie
Do you believe that any of your ex's think about you?
I think so, I still think about all of my ex's every now and then. I believe that there's something good about everyone that you've been together with, that's how I see it anyway. Why else would you have cared for them?
Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
It is gray, very plain..long sleeved. I am wearing a tunnika/dress over it. (it's also gray...just in a darker shade)
When was the last time you were outside?
A few hours ago
Are you afraid of the dark?
Hmmm, sometimes. It's just that you can't see so well when it's dark. Has anyone else noticed that?
Who did you last say I love you to?
Kajsa and Elsa at bed time. Or maybe I threw in a fast "I love you" on the phone when I talked to Thad. It's very possible!
Posted by ~Michaela at 20:43 1 comments