18 July 2011

DCI show in SLC

I love drum corps.
After being aged out for a long time, I still wish I could go on tour in the summer time. It's not the same being in the stands, but the shows are great. Personally, I thought the Cadets were amazing. Here are a few pics I caught!

Just like last year I got to meet up with Robyn. We marched together in Troopers 2000. This past week she came up and visited. It was lots of fun. I tried recruiting her for the ISU marching band. She politely abstained :) She did hang out at our leadership camp a little and had a blast spinning the flag for the first time in a LONG TIME.

Of course, the only reason we were able to go to the show was thanks to our
FAVORITE COUSIN (in-law for me) Avery and her man Joe. They are the best and met us at the U, took the kids on the train to the planitarium AND had popcorn AND split a twix AND had a mud fight........the girls had a blast while we did.
Thanks Avery!


Avery said...

You are super welcome! Did you get the photos? Super fun to clean up. :D

Hanse said...

Wat een heerlijke M line matrassen

التميز المثالي للخدمات المنزلية said...

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lin lin said...

mau dapetin uang jutaan rupiah hanya dengan uang 10.000 COBA DI SINI YU