06 December 2008

TAGGED by Avery
(the prego one :)

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1. Fact: I have lived in the US for a total of 12.5 years and in Sweden for 14 years. Just about 50/50 in both countries. So do I feel like an American or a Swede? Well, I feel like I'm about a 50/50. This is a huge dilemma for me. When I am in Sweden I miss the States and when I'm in the States I miss Sweden. I don't think this will ever go away for me.

2. I am not the kind of person that likes to beat around the bush. If I have an important issue to talk about I like to get it out in the open, say it, talk about it, get it over with. This way I feel like all the weird tension won't have to ruin the conversation.

3. I love clothes. When I was growing up we could NEVER afford to buy new clothes for us kids. We went to D.I. before every school year and got a "bishops order" and got new school clothes. Woo hoo. I thought it was super duper embarassing, and I usually could never find anything good. I remember buying my very fist pair or "real" new jeans when I was a senior in High school. A pair or silver jeans and Jodie went with me to find them. I had to buy them with my own money! As a result I think I've gotten a little TOO into new clothes now that I'm not dirt poor. I can just itch to get new clothes if I haven't bought anything new for like two weeks. I love H&M and Gina Tricot. I could go shopping for hours and hours, as long as I don't have the kids with me......cause that's a whole other story.

4. Candy and Chocolate make me sick. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat both and I crave them all the time. I'm addicted to sugar. But, too much chocolate or candy makes me sick. And when I say too much, I mean it doesn't take a whole lot. I can feel literally sick to my stomache after eating one single candy bar. One would think that this would mean I wouldn't eat too much of it then. But no, not me.....I eat lots of it and as a result feel sick quite often. Sometimes I think I'm allergic to sugar. I tell Thad like every day that I swell up when I eat sweets, but then I just keep eating them anyway. I'm pathetic!

5. I love to tan. I realize that a lot of people enjoy this as well. I feel like I've been deprived of the sun for 6 years now. Borås has the reputation of being the rainiest city in Sweden, and I can say that it's reputation is a true one. It SERIOUSLY rains here just about every day, and if it doesn't it's usually gray. It is soooo depressing. I miss the sun so much and whenever it comes out it just feels so wonderful to have it shine on my skin. I've always liked to tan and get brown during the summer, but now that I haven't had a whole lot of sun during the summers as well, it feels like I need to tan, not to get brown, but rather just to feel the light on my skin. I can't wait to be in Idaho this summer ;)

6. Unlike many (Thaddeus) who enjoys being indoors for long periods of time. I can't stand to be inside for more than one day. I start going CRAZY if I'm indoors too long. It almost feels like my lungs run out of oxygen and I'm gonig to suffocate if I stay in any longer.

7. I love mossy forests. You can imagine how much moss there is in the forest here since it rains ALL the time and as a result the forest floors and trees are COVERED with moss in many areas. They call these kids of forest "troll forests" and it's one of those things that's always been a childhood memory of Sweden for me. I always feel nostalgic when I go out in a mossy forest.

8. I generally really like people. I honestly believe that all people are good; That there is no such thing as a "bad" person. People become bad when they've been raised in a bad way and put in terrible situations. I believe that if you are loved and cared for you will become a loving and caring person.

9. I like to make people laugh. Even if it sometimes means I have to make a fool out of myself. I get a natural high when I can make people happy.

10. I am not shy, not in the least bit!

11. I love my girls more than anything on this planet. I'm sure that wasn't a secret or anything. But I really didn't know that you could love someone as much as this. I tell Elsa all the time that she'll never be able to love me as much as I love her and that when she has her own kids then she'll understand.

12. I am a very social person. I LOVE lots of people getting together and celebrating. It can be a birthday party or just a holiday (like a parade)..etc etc. Anything really. I'm a people person. The more the merrier.

13. Fact: I am 165 cm tall

14. I used to be a very religious person and somhow always feelt like there was something missing or I always felt like I was searching for something...trying to figure something out. But now, I'm an Athiest and I've never felt more at peace and happy about my life then now. Ironic isn't it? Since religion is usually associated with helping people find comfort through life. They often say that without religion life has no meaning, but I feel just the oposite. Without religion I feel like life has all the meaning in the world, since this is all I get. This is it, I feel it is a privilege to excist in the first place, a privilege I don't want to throw away.

15. Goal: I have a goal to live in the NOW. To not stress myself out about things I can't control anyway....(like the afterlife, which I believe doesn't exist) But rather enjoy the things in life I often take for granted that are real, like Thaddeus and my girls. My good health. My friends. My family. That I have a job and can help support us. This planet. My goal is to learn to step back and see what's really important in life, what really makes you HAPPY. Truely happy. Life if short, for many it is far too short. So spend it with the people you love, and show them that you love them, don't just tell them. This is something I'm trying to work on. It will be on my new years resolutions list this year...again. I difinitely have room to grow in this area.

16. I LOVE TO WORK OUT! I love a good work out. It can be just about any form of work out. Swimming, dancing, jogging, yoga, kick boxing, hiking. Whatever. Working out is investing in your future... it really is. We only get one body and I don't want to have all of those aches and pains that you can get so easliy by neglecting your body some good old fashioned excersice. Sooo, do something for your heart, (you know that little thing that keeps you alive) and go for a walk. Show your body some LOVE LOVE LOVE.

K, I dont' think I have 16 blog buddies to tag. But here's everyone on my list that hasn't been tagged yet (that I know of anyway) I guess I'm supposed to tag you back Avery...is that right? Then I tag Thaddeus, Stacie, Ellen, Anja, Terra, Clara, Jodie, Kirsten, Katrina, Kellie, Terrah, and Amy....and If I missed anyone that hasn't already been tagged then I tag you to ;)


Chelsey said...

Okay, let me clarify. I like going outside. What I was saying, is I would rather be with Austin and our kiddies then going out to a hockey game, or other things. I like to be outside. I know you live in an apartment.. SO its hard for you to remember... We do yardwork... hhaa.. and we play outside. And I like ot hike all the time... What I meant was, I dont like going out alot, as in out downtown...etc... not out of the house. silly.

Ashley said...

I LOVED reading all about you! I thought though, and it's purely a guess, that when you said that candy and chocolate make you sick, that you may be insulin resistant. I was the same way - got checked - and, yep! I am IR. Anyways, just a thought! Have a great day! - Ashley

Avery said...

You cannot tag me back! I was searching for 16 things as it was! Haha and I'm the prego one? That's how you know me? AweSome! Thanks! (sarcasm noted and quickly forgotten). I agree with you about a lot of things... like how much you love your kids. I am the same way with candy bars - I just eat the fun size! lol
