16 February 2009

I kicked Thad out!!!

Hahaha I'm just kidding, although, not entirely.

Thaddeus, bless his soul, has a lot more to say than he'd like to admit. When I made this blog I tried to get him to participate but I failed. Now, however, it seems like it would be easier if we had seperate blogs since I mostely just update about the family. Thaddeus, on the other hand, actually has "stuff" going on inside of his brain and actually has intelligent words to write. So, to make it easier for our rare readers we though we'd seperate for your convenience. Click here to get to Thad's blog! For future reference it will be on the right hand side along with all of the other friends/family.


Anonymous said...

Det går inte att kommentera på Thads blogg. Word verification bara står "loading" i evighet men det kommer inget. Hälsa honom att han har en publik :)