27 January 2009

That's it... It's carved in stone!

Well, we've finally taken the leap. Today Michaela had her interview at the Embassy in Stockholm and things went surprisingly smooth. We had a time early this morning and because waking up at 3 in the morning and driving for 5 hours isn't as fun as it might sound we drove up yesterday and stayed at a hotel. We also spent a little time last night visiting family.

We got up early and headed off for our appointment because we didn't want to get stuck in rush-hour traffic in Stockholm. Plus, I had decided to take a short cut through the down town area and figured I would need some extra time for eventual wrong turns. It turned out to be an unnecesary precaution and we showed up at the embassy with plenty of time to spare.

So after a quick shake down in the guard hut, we basically just waltzed into the embassy, got a stamp of approval, and waltzed out again. OK, it wasn't quite that easy, and there was really no dancing involved, but it was still rather fast and uncomplicated. So that's it! Access granted. We're okay for take-off! There are still a couple of minor details to be worked out, but the process is complete at least.

Of course following that good news we immediately rushed home (bear in mind that Stockholm is about 400 kilometers away so when I say rushed I just mean that we left the capital right away. It still took us 5 hours to get home) and bought our plane tickets!!! Yippee! It still doesn't quite feel like it's for real and we still have a lot of stuff to get in order, but there is a date set (at the end of april) and plans are being arranged.

Hope all you USA dwellers are as excited as we are. More info will surely follow:)



Chelsey said...

At the end of April... When exactly is that. I need more specifics!! Yay.. I so excited... YIPEE!!!!

Sara said...

Us US people are THRILLED!! I'm so glad it went well. I agree with Chey, we need DETAILS!

Michelle said...

Whoo-hoo, how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Jag är glad för er skull! Det är tur att jag redan har flyttat från Borås annars hade jag nog fått för mycket abstinens. Vart i USA ska ni flytta?

Anonymous said...

men gud va roligt för er!!!! har ni planerat detta länge? är fortfarande nyfiekn på avd du ska jobba med o vart i usa ni ska bo? du får gärna skriva i min facebook eller så o berätta om du vill?...kran liza

Anonymous said...

I am so happy!! Having you back is going to be so great I don't even know if there's words to describe it.

~Michaela said...

I'm glad to hear that people LOVE us ;) Yay. Anja, we will be living in Idaho, at least for a few years.
Stacie- ditto