14 November 2009

Thankful Friday the 13th

I worked all day today, from 8 to 8 and when I got home the computer was incapacitated....So I had to wait for Thad go get home with the lap top. He was at a concert tonight so I had to wait for quite a while.
I'm thankful for:

1. Our lap top ;)

2. Music, I just love music. Music brought Thaddeus and me together! Music makes me cry, laugh, want to sing and worried. It brings out so many feelings and can cheer me up when I'm sad. I love to play the piano a ton as well as the trumpet (although i don't play either as much as I would like) I love all kinds of music genres; classical, country, r and b, pop, oldies, tecno....you name it! I love a good song, and I LOVE to crank up the volume while I'm driving. (Something Thad does not appriciate)
Here's a song for tonight!
It won't let me embed it...so a link will have to do. Are you feeling ambitious?


3. The community center in Blackfoot! (Avery and Chelsey, do I have your attention? ) I was so happy to find out a while back that Blackfoot has a community center. A GREAT place for mom's and dad's to get together. If you're like me and you don't go to church, it's nice to know that there ARE places to socialize without having religion tied to it. The gymnastic classes that the girls are taking are at the community center. They offer really cheap yoga classes for adults as well as play time for stay at home parents to met. A bunch of mom's meet mon-thur and work out together, and it's free. We put on a work out tape and the kids play together on all of their fun equipment. For all of you facebookers out there, this is why my status has been something along the lines of "I'm sore........my muscles are in shock" hahaha. But I REALLY love it and I'm so thankful to have found the community center! The center here in Blackfoot even offers an after school program....also FREE! Go find your community center and get involved :)

4. I'm thankful that I'm not superstitious. Alas, it was a great friday the 13th! Are you superstitious?